How Long Are Sessions?

 Sessions will run for 60 minutes.

How Much Are Sessions?

 Sessions are €60

What if I can’t afford therapy?

 If you are unable to pay the full €60 there is room for negotiation with the therapist for low cost counselling.

How Long Will Therapy Last?

Therapy is different for everyone and therefore the length of time someone chooses to stay in therapy also varies.  Short term therapy will typically be ten sessions and long term therapy is very much dependent on each individual person.

Will my sessions be at the same time each week?

Yes, sessions will be the same time each week.

Do I need to come weekly?

Yes, best practice suggests that weekly therapy is the ideal in supporting  the psychotherapeutic process.

How do I cancel a session?

Should you need to cancel a session you will need to contact your individual therapist, giving them 24 hours notice.  If you are unable to give the 24 hour notice then the full fee will be charged.

 Is therapy confidential?

Yes, therapy is confidential.  There are rare incidences when a therapist may need to break this confidentiality and this is clearly stated in the IACP’s code of ethics –

“Break confidentiality only where required by law, or where there are grounds for believing that clients will cause physical harm to themselves or others. Where feasible, practitioners shall endeavour to obtain the client’s consent, and consult their supervisor or an experienced colleague, in advance of any such disclosure. However, in emergencies, practitioners shall make their own judgement as to what action is best.”

(Extract taken from

Should I shop around before choosing a therapist?

Therapy is a very personal experience and it is important that you feel comfortable with your therapist.  This may mean that some people will need to make enquiries with more than one therapist, before feeling that they have found someone whom is best suited to their individual needs.

Do you provide online counselling?

Yes. We provide online counselling. Speak to a therapist for more information.

What is the difference between counselling & psychotherapy?

Counselling and psychotherapy are often used interchangeably.  Typically counselling may refer to shorter term supportive or issue focused therapy, whereas psychotherapy refers to longer term therapy and deeper exploration of problems. However, there is much overlap between the two and more and more it is recognised that what is important is a trusting therapeutic relationship where a person feels listened to with empathy and non judgement.

What are the reasons for coming to Counselling/Psychotherapy?

People come to therapy for many reasons.  It’s hard to have a definitive list that encapsulates everything but reasons can include depression, anxiety, stress,  relationship issues, childhood trauma, bereavment, experiences of bullying, sexual identity issues to name but a few.